We’re delighted to announce that former joint manager Martyn Rogers has decided to return to the club.

Here’s what Martyn and club chairman Ian Moorcroft have had to say. MR: “It’s probably not a decision that will surprise anyone that has been working in football for as long that I have. I have certainly missed the involvement in the job I was doing with Scott and after talking to both Ian and Scott we have agreed for me to come back in the role that Scott and I shared with a lot of success”. “I would like to thank them for letting me back to do the job I love doing, I can’t wait to see you all again soon”.

IM: “As we all know Martyn left the club in the summer after many, many years as manager for personal reasons. However, in the last few days he approached us to return in any capacity”. “Following talks with Scott who was appointed overall manager and has done a great job, he was totally agreeable for Martyn to return as joint manager as they have a brilliant working relationship”. “So with immediate effect Martyn will be returning as joint manager and all that’s left for me to say is welcome back Martyn”.