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Getting to Know - Matt Britton

THE latest our mini-series in which you get to know your favourite players a little better: this time, it's the turn of the Skipper, Matt Britton, to tell you the who, what and why of his team-mates.

1 Which team-mate would you swap cars with?

Faz [Farren Simons] - would love the remapped exhaust.


2 ⁠Which team-mate you’d most like to go on a night out with? Joey P[arker], so he can buy all the drinks with his goal bonus.


3 ⁠Name two team-mates you would beat in a race?

Not sure I can 🤣 Bakes [Mike Baker], for sure.

Beatable: Mike Baker

4 Name two team-mates you would lose to in a race?

Theo [Jeremy], Niall [Thompson].


5 ⁠Which team-mate would you comfortably beat in an intelligence test?



6 Which team-mate would you least enjoy sitting next to on a long haul flight and why?

Dylan [Jones], would spend the whole time moaning.


7 Name four team-mates to take on your dream lads’ holiday?

Josh [Jones], Joey, Bakes. Car school, of course.


8 Which team-mate is most likely to find you on the pitch with a perfect through-ball?

The Viking, Asa [Hall]

9 Which team-mate is least likely to find you on the pitch with a perfect through-ball?

Josh, unless it's off his head.


10 Which team-mate is the best trainer?

Muzz [Jay Murray]. Makes it more enjoyable, anyway 🤣

Strong, silent type: Javan Wright

11 Which team-mate would you most like to work with in your day job and why?

Jav [Javan Wright] - would get lots of work done as he wouldn’t distract me due to him having no voice box.

Now that you know a little more about Britts, why not come and see him in action when the first team take on Dorchester Town in the Isuzu FA Trophy at Ladysmead on Saturday? Tickets can be bought in advance here.

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